Monday, March 19, 2012

How to Breed the Sun and Moon Dragons

This is the last dragon I need so I scoured the internet and put together a guide based on all the information available.

a) Supposedly, you do not have to breed for a Moon dragon only at night. It can be done during the day as well. Obviously, it would then be reasonable to assume that it doesn't have to be day in order to breed a Sun Dragon (although if this were false, it would certainly explain why I have three Sun Dragons and no Moon Dragons)

b) The elements cold and lightning must be present in the dragons you are breeding, in order to get either a sun or moon dragon.

c) Breed a dragon from column A with a dragon from column B for a moon dragon (Note: the same is also 

Cold Lightning
Frostfire Scorch
Storm Quake
Bluefire Storm
Ice Firefly
Iceberg Crystal
Snow Sonic

d) Popular Dragon Pairings:
- Fire + Storm and Scorch + Cold are extremely popular because if you didn't get the Sun/Moon dragon, the eggs produced incubate relatively rapidly.
- Bluefire + Crystal is extremely popular but it takes FOREVER. For. Ever.

e) The breeding time for these dragons is listed as unknown although it is usually 48 hours. I have only heard of one anecdotal case of a 6 hour breed time.

 Good luck! (and add me at RainCloudt. I gift gems actively!)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dragonvale Breeding by Time

I've been obsessively playing Dragonvale for the iPod recently so I'm going to be making a lot of Dragonvale posts to help other players. First off, the question I see all the time on other websites about the game is the same one I have: if I have an incubation time of x, what is my dragon going to be?? So I started making a chart.

15 seconds Plant

5 mins Earth

30 mins Lightning Poison

1 hour Flower

2 hours Fire Air Sandstorm

3 hours Scorch Firefly

4 hours Water

5 hours Storm Seaweed

6 hours Quake Mud

8 hours Ice Iceberg Snow Sonic Fog Blazing Willow
9 hours Swamp

10 hours Lava

12 hours Cold Moss Frostfire Blue Fire

14 hours Tree Mountain

24 hours Crystal

48 hours Rainbow

? hours (usually 48 hours)Sun Moon

 Note: Does not include special holiday dragons (Bone, Reindeer, Love, Clover).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Well, apparently Osama bin Laden is finally dead. That's awesome :) and so exciting! But who will take his place?
Lol I am not actually going to delve into this topic. Figured I would mention it though. No, I am so hungry so I am going to talk about food!

My mom always said that she wanted to write a cookbook with me but I didn't get my shit together when she told me to so we never worked on it. I have her recipe book though now and a good idea of what to write about. I am sitting here hungry because I don't know what to feed myself. I just started working out seriously so I am on a diet. But I need this to be something I can do for a long time, not the strict stuff that my friend Rebecca follows. So my concept is simple: healthy, cheap meals that you can cook without major facilities.

I'm keeping a list of food that I have successfully made. Its actually pretty long even though I keep making the same things. Right now, I need meals that have protein, vegetables and minimal carbs. Thats hard cuz most of my meals have carbs about even with protein. I need more vegetables but I like such limited vegetables... And if I see more peas and carrots... Ehhh. So my options are looking like vegetable soups (homemade tomato soup, butternut squash soup...) and pasta sauce (on meat maybe? Lol). And homemade chili. I have a recipe for meatless chili but I like beef in my chili. I made enchiladas last week but that was pretty much all I ate that week so if I see another enchilada...

So that's my idea but so far, I have a longgg way to go. It would be helpful if I actually had my mom's recipe book here but I left that at my dad's house x.x My main question is: what is a vegetable and bow can I make it so I want to eat it for a week?

That's all for now. My dinner calls. At some point, I have to remember to write more about my religion.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I have been trying to figure out a way to tell my friends that my mom died. Some know but only like 10. I just realized that I did! I told everyone there was a blog update so its not my fault they didn't read it hehe. Just kidding... I still have to figure something out. I always do this. I tell people every insignificant detail of my life but I don't want to blab the big stuff. What if they don't care or what if I make them sad? I don't want them to feel sad.

I was talking to my friend (really, I was reading her blog) and it made me realize that I have been neglecting my own religion. I have only had one dream since Brigit spoke to me but it had nothing to do with her. I was angry at my fiance for some reason. That happens a lot in my dreams and it drives him nuts. Its very unusual for me not to dream. I used to have true dreams all the time but the closest thing thats happened was that dream I had where my fiance proposed to me with a gold ring and I refused. I still don't think he understood that the reason I refused was because he didn't care about me, he just wanted to just get married because it was the next step. But anyways, back to the topic. Well, I did celebrate Spring Equinox and I am helping to start a pagan club at my school. I just learned the Christian holidays, its going to take awhile for me to learn pagan holidays.

Erk. I should stop shirking my homework and my dinner. I will post laterz.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have a confession. I missed Yule this past year. I did not keep the vigil; I studied and went to sleep instead. Bad pagan! Well, I decided to make it up to my religion on Christian. I figured, I'm just starting in my religion, I have no one to guide me, so I'm forgiven some errors as long as I work on them.

My mom got very sick in October and I had to fly home because she was dying. Given the stress of this situation, compounded by my fiance deploying several weeks after I found out, well, I was desperate to turn to faith. Since my mom was so sick, I decided to spend Christmas at my grandparents' so I could visit her in the nursing home. Christmas Eve, I went to an outdoor Christmas service on the beach with my grandparents and my mom's housecleaners. I have always loved Christmas Eve service because I get to sing the songs. We didn't get to sing any songs at this service, which annoyed me, except for Silent Night. Except I couldn't sing Silent Night.

I burst into tears because my mom should have been there, my fiance should have been there, and nothing was right. We went back, had "dinner" (cookies...), and my mom's housecleaners went back to their hotel. I decided to go out to the beach alone and have my own candlelight service, for my religion.

I got down to the beach, looked to my right and realized that I was right next to a park. Where there might be homeless people, or drug addicts, or some type of person that wanted to hurt me. It was 11 pm, after all, and I was the only one on the beach in my general vicinity. As much as I wanted to spend an hour out there, I realized it was unreasonable. I walked just out of sight of my grandparents' place and made sure to keep in front of a building. I had a candle with me, that I tried to keep lit so I could see anyone trying to sneak up on me and for religious purposes. I found a good place and knelt down in the sand, making a quasi-altar for the candle, and began to pray.

I've never been good at praying. Its more like a verbal meditation on what's going on, with an occasional confused plea to help me figure out what's going on. So I began with all these stressful things that had been going on and continued on to my dreams. I recognized a theme of wanting something I could not attain, or had a distinctly martial theme to them. I had previously prayed to Brigit and had success, so I thought this was a good thing to do again. From what I could remember, Brigit was the goddess of femininity as well as martial arts. Everything I wanted was her domain and I had a feeling so I dedicated my life to Brigit that night. (In a Catholic sense, I chose her as my patron saint, so to speak) That was the 24th of December, 2010.

That night, I had a dream where Brigit spoke to me. I was shocked to my toes when I woke up because I had not expected that to happen. I had never believed in God or gods/goddesses coming to people in dreams but it happened. I can only remember her saying one thing now, and that was "no." and even then I knew she was denying me one of my prayers and I was scared. I knew which one.

Two days later, my mother passed away. Brigit gave me the grace to accept it and some extra strength to lend to my family, who was simply shattered. That was my most major prayer on Christmas Eve, make my mother better, and Brigit said no. I was so mad. I mean really. A goddess accepts you as her acolyte and then denies your first major prayer. Nice. But then I realized that it wasn't about me, and I had even said that while I was praying. Brigit must have understood and I hope she granted me that one aspect of my prayer, that my mother find peace.

Anyhow, I got online a few days later and looked up "Brigit," to find out more information on this goddess to whom I had dedicated my life. The first thing I saw was "Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Martial Arts." That's pretty much all I am, right there (maybe minus the smithcraft, although I'm working on that). When I say that I have been super blessed by this is so true.

Friday, May 7, 2010


As I am wont to do, I'm going to copy and paste a final essay. This one was for Sociology 1000. Its main focus is adoption (obviously). I'm warning you now, its 10 pages).

1. Introduction to the Issue
In April of 2010, a grandmother said farewell to her daughter's adopted son as he boarded a plane for Russia. He had a one way ticket. In a letter to Russia's child protection ministry, the mother claimed the boy was violent and she had been lied to by Russian officials about his mental state, which had been deemed normal. [CNN news] Since 1996, “at least 14 children have been killed abroad […], according to Moscow officials” [BBC news]. Most of those deaths occurred in the United States. What would drive a parent to kill their child? The fact that the child was adopted may account for some or all of the reason.
Adoption has probably been going on since the beginning of human creation but the formal system we enjoy today came about around the time of the Industrial Revolution, where there were many homeless children. Adoption really came about after orphanages filled up and adults realized that the orphanages were not benefiting the children in the long run. This prompted the government to set up adoption, so that children may be part of loving homes. The reality is that “the family was set up as a social service agency, albeit a small one” (Pivnick 2010). Looking back, the government really began adoption when it ran out of funding to take care of all the children that needed to not live with their biological parents.
The people who put children into the adoption cycle and the people who adopt the children both claim they are doing it for the benefit of the child. They figure they are preventing the child from living an unpleasant life, probably on the streets or with abusive parents. It sounds like a fairytale, almost. Many people find it to be just that, too. After adoption, many things can go wrong. This essay endeavors to discover what goes wrong in adoption, whether it is a flaw in the system or adoptive parents, and what can be done to fix these problems so that no more children will be murdered by their adoptive parents, who are supposed to love and protect them like a natural parent.
In order to answer these questions, two factors will be examined. First, some of the most common problems that are experienced by the child and adopted parents will be analyzed. It will be discussed whether these problems arise because of the adoption situation or because of some flaw in the adoption system. In order to discover the truth about the adoption situation, one must go back to the birth mother and find out why she gave up her child because this not only can influence a child later but it is also a telling sign about the adoption system. Finally, methods to remedy problems in the adoption will be discussed. There has to be something a person can do to prevent parents from killing their adoptive children.

2. Literature Review of the Issue
Many problems can arise from adoption, whether it be behavior problems from the children or the adoptive parents not feeling attached to their children. Such problems are toxic to the family setting but, in the case of a family that has not bonded, they can even be deadly. If adoption is the cause of this strife, then it should be stopped because it is no longer in the child's best interest, an idea that is spouted by adoptive parents and adoption agencies. Researchers have been looking into the problems adoption causes for many years, no doubt prompted by those who nay say adoption. The theory has changed over time, as society has changed in its beliefs, but the current emerging theory, which is very popular to study, is that a child needs to be given time to grieve for his or her situation.
In “Learning Adoption,” Dr. Pivnick cites several sources when he talks about the loss that children experience during the adoption process. He says that “adopted children are variously viewed as having sustained multiple losses” (Pivnick 2010) and credits Nickman's 1985 work Pscyhoanal. Study of the Child. Indeed, they have lost their birth parents, the person they might have been, and numerous others that are unique to each child, such as an aid at the orphanage that had been their caregiver for years. He concludes, however, that the mourning process that is unique to adopted children is merely a part of a healthy process and even hints that maybe the problem is with the person who is psychoanalyzing the child and family rather than with the adoption. “Learning Adoption” is not merely about the losses a child feels but how society comes to perceive those things as a loss and how that child has fit into society historically. In the Biblical era, adopted children were those children born to a man and a woman not his wife but were brought up by the man's wife. They generally had lower social status, except where God intervened, and any children the wife bore later were favored above the adopted child. The adopted child still had a higher social status than he or she would have otherwise; adoption was a way to raise one's status in Biblical times. In today's society, it is generally believed that a poor child is adopted by a rich family, thus also elevating the adopted child's social status. Through research, Dr. Pivnick concludes that there is no biological difference between adopted and biological children and that the way each adopted child copes with his or her situation is indicative of how successful the adoption was, i.e. how well adjusted to society the child is as an adult. (Pivnick 2010)
Another doctor, whose article is less research and more experience with treating adopted children who seem to be having problems at home, concludes that adjusting to being adopted can be aided through therapy. It is indeed important the author, Dr. Kupfermann, says that the child be well adjusted in order to lead a healthy childhood and life. Dr. Kupfermann also describes the problems that an adopted child faces, the problems that have been referred to above. Most of the problems stem from what doctors call “the primal wound” (Kupfermann 2010), which refers to the adopted child being separated from his or her birth mother. From this stems behavior problems, frustration, and pain which can be a circle of more anxiety for the entire family. Frustrated children act out, which sometimes cause adopted parents to feel as if there is no connection. It should be noted that Dr. Kupfermann and Dr. Pivnick both caution therapists and adoptive families from supposing everything stems from this primal wound. Children are sometimes obstinate and exhibit other incorrect behavior, a natural part of childhood that both biological and adopted children exhibit. Adopted children do tend to “be more dependent than other children on validation of and empathy for their feelings of loss and abandonment” (Kupfermann 2010). This may make adopted children more clingy and attention seeking than biological children, making more of a strain on adopted parents.
An adoptive parent, a sociologist named Josephine Ruggiero, recounts her story following the 7 year old boy being sent back to Russia. She adopted three children from Russia and, although they were all under five years of age, her family had an incredibly difficult time. Generally, when the children are that young, it is easier to help them adjust. Ms. Ruggiero says, however, that even now her relationship with the children is strained, even though they are outwardly attributes to society. Her reasons for why some adoptions fail has three parts. First, as mentioned above, the adoptive parents “are not adequately prepared in the pre-adoption phase” (Ruggiero 2010). Even if the adoptive parents have raised children before, they may not fully realize the extent of “the kinds of emotional struggles their children might face” (Ruggiero 2010) because institutionalized children do face more struggles adjusting than a biological child who has always known a family. Second, despite what many agencies say, the adoptive parents still “often receive incomplete or even false medical and background information” (Ruggiero 2010) which means that some parents adopt children, not knowing that the child has a serious illness or is at risk for a serious illness. Lastly, as also mentioned above, “there is a lack of postadoptive services specializing in behavioral issues” (Ruggiero 2010) so that adopted children do not always receive the kind of therapy they may need. Not all therapists are qualified to deal with adopted children and even the ones that do have experience sometimes mistake normal childhood behavior with misbehavior caused by adoption. As a solution to the many problems faced by adoptive parents, Ms. Ruggiero suggests that children from be put in a foster care home before being adopted, especially to a foreign country, to lessen the shock of going from an orphanage to a family where there are a multitude of roles they have never previously been expected to perform. (Ruggiero 2010) Such a measure would, perhaps, make life easier for both adoptive parents and adopted children in the beginning of the adoption, at the very least, because it is very “hard to take strangers and try to make them into people who love you” (Ruggiero 2010) for both parties.

3. Positive and Negative Opinions of the Issue
Adoption is not generally considered a bad thing. In fact, it is considered good because it is helping children who would otherwise grow up in orphanages or on the street. The reality is that adoption is a surprisingly contested topic. Birthmothers are strongly against adoption because they say that they were coerced out of their children, who were then put into corrupt situations. Adoption agencies are for it, of course, because they get money from adoptions. Adoptors are generally for adoption, although there seems to be a portion who cautions that therapy must be used in the process. Adoptees are divided, more than likely because of their personal experiences. In all cases, it is the personal experience of the individual that dictates the stance towards adoption.
Perhaps the most interesting negative opinion of the entire adoption process comes from the women who gave up their children. Reading through the webpages of “exiled mothers,” what women who gave up their children for adoption call themselves, shows how strongly linked these women still feel to their babies. The faq section of states that “adoption is not a choice, it is what happens when there is no hope and no help. […] Only abandoned mothers abandon babies” (First Mothers Action 2003). When women give up their babies for adoption, it is generally because they are coerced into it by someone who is telling them that they are unfit parents or that the child would be better off if it were adopted. The language of the quote links the mother and baby and the language of the entire article is the same. According to these women, coercion is still a force in women giving up their babies, a factor that adds to the grief of these women over what was done; they claim that some women are made to sign the papers to give away their child while still under the anesthetics, immediately after childbirth. These exiled mothers are for reuniting, which is considered a healthy thing in order for every member of the triad in adoption (birth mother, adoptee, and adoptor) and may heal wounds such as the above mentioned primal wound (Lifton 2010). Their literature seems to suggest they are for adoption, some of the women having adopted children themselves, but against the coercive way in which mothers give up their babies. It should be noted that the majority of these women are North American although they agree that all women are coerced out of their babies, often for the money the baby will bring or the better life that baby would have, according to the adoption agencies.
The adoption agencies can be sketchy at worst but there are also good agencies, as well as government agencies that aid in adoption. It should be stated that there is an understanding by all parties that there exists a black market in babies, with some agencies referred to as gray market, indicating that they operate on the fringes of acceptability. The agencies connect people who want to adopt children with the children or birth mother. For this service, they charge a fee. It can be said, and is said profusely by birth mothers, that agencies sell babies. Either way, adoption is good to this group.
Along the same lines, adoption is generally good to adoptors. It is always a good thing to would be adoptive parents, or else they probably wouldn't go through with it, but the story can change after they deal with the difficulties of the adopted child. These parents may have no previous child rearing experience, children are usually difficult, whether they be adopted or not. In this case, generally, the adoptive parents are still for adoption but are more hesitant to recommend it profusely.
Adoptees share this seesaw of feelings about adoption that depends on their experience. Well adjusted children look favorably on adoption and sometimes even adopt children of their own. If a child has a bad experience, however, it colors their feelings against adoption because they believe that their experience was the rule and not the exception. In an article entitled “Myra's Story: A Life Narrative as it Unfolds in the Treatment and Journey of an Adopted Woman,” Sandra Rosengarten describes the life of one such adoptee named Myra. Myra was never outright abused but she always felt suppressed and as if she did not belong. These feelings followed her into adulthood and were the cause of her many poor relationships. While Myra never speaks outright against adoption, she makes it clear that she believes no child should suffer like she did and she has empathy with other adoptees. (Rosengarten 2010)
These personal experiences color the way individuals view the topic of adoption; if a person has a good situation, they are for it and vice versa. There may even be an black or gray market adoption agency member who disagrees with the practice and is against adoption for that reason that they saw the worst aspects of it. Generally, though, adoption agencies are for adoption because it benefits them and adoptors and adoptees are for or against it based on their personal experiences. Birth mothers, for the greater part, are against adopting out their children. Because those birth mothers are the source for children, it stands to reason that adoption itself hangs in the balance.

4. Conclusion and Your Opinion of the Issue
Adoption is not generally the first topic that is thought of when people discuss controversial topics but it is just that. Adoption is difficult for all parties. It is, at least, better for the children than not being able to take care of themselves and ending up on the street, more than likely, as happens after a child staying in an orphanage. The government saw that children raised in orphanages did not become contributing members of society and adoption was born (Pivnick 2010). It sounds innocent enough, that children without a home are taken into caring homes and given a chance at life but there are some flaws with this thinking, those flaws being what makes adoption a controversial topic.
The birth mothers, who call themselves exiled mothers because they were exiled from their children's lives, say that adopting out a child is wrong because of the coercion that causes a mother to give up her child and because of the situation that their child can end up in after he or she is adopted. Many birth mothers claim that they were forced to give up their child for adoption so that an adoption agency can sell their child (First Mothers Action 2003). It is less an argument against adoption itself and more against the practices that occur before the child is adopted by adoptive parents. Their argument against adoption is that the practice implies that they are unfit mothers and the adoptive parents to whom they give up the child might be worse for the child. Many of these women go on to have successful families so they are clearly not unfit mothers but this falls under the coercion aspect. A method of coercion is to tell young mothers that they are unfit, or that their children could have a better life with another couple (First Mothers Action 2003). On the website, there was a story of a woman who gave her child up to a family but the adoptive mother turned out to be a drug addict and repeatedly endangered the life of the little girl. It is here where the entire argument against adoption is perfectly valid; children are not always better off being placed with people just because that person wants a child and can afford one.
Adoptive parents are generally not prepared for “the kinds of emotional struggles their children might face” (Russian Adoptive Problems). First, adoptive parents usually have never had children before so they are unsure of how to parent, let alone how to parent a child with higher emotional needs that arise from adoption. Second, even for a person who has raised other children, the needs of an adopted child are unique. The needs of all children are unique but an adopted child needs to be able to adjust to life in a family and find their identity as part of that family, a process that can be difficult on the adoptive parents and the children alike. It is to the credit of adoptive parents that they manage to overcome the normal difficulties of parenting as well as issues caused by adoption and, despite this essay and the numerous examples of adoption failures, most adoptions are successful.
The flaw is not with the parents or the children in the adoption system but it is the adoption system itself. Here, the birth mothers are inarguably correct in hating the system. There probably is coercion from adoption agencies, who also often fail the adoptive parents as well. The adoptive parents are lied to about their children's medical and family background, or not told at all, and not given additional aid when the adoption does not turn out like they think it will. There is a misconception among adoptors that they will bring the child home and the child will fit in, everything will be okay. The reality is that if a person brings home a puppy, even, it needs time to adjust and needs to learn where it fits into the family. Bringing home a child is even more complicated with that because a child is an intelligent being who is capable of reasoning out the situation and reacting to it. Most often, the agency merely apologizes profusely and hangs up the phone (Kershaw 2010). If there were more support for parents, perhaps tragedies could be avoided, either the tragedy of a family of strife or the tragedy of a parent killing the adopted child. If a parent kills a child, it could only be because they feel life will not get any better unless the child leaves and they have no idea how to end the adoption. If adoption agencies kept up with parents, they would better be able to spot possible problems and avert them. If an adoption agency had kept up with a woman from Tennessee, a little boy wouldn't have been flown back to Russia and driven to a government agency by a stranger, with a note from his adoptive mother in his pocket saying how he wasn't what she had wanted.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nutrition and Backpacking

I mentioned a lot that nutrition while backpacking is a huge problem. You have to carry your own food and pack it out. That severely limits the protein you can bring, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. I've come up with a good solution, at least in my opinion. Living where I do, rice is HUGE. I had to buy a rice steamer because the friends I had over all the time complained about the quality of my rice. So, packing rice seems like a wonderful idea. Its small, it fluffs up, and its nutritious. Yay :D But you need more than that, unless you find golden rice :P I also love canned chicken. But it comes in huge containers! Well, pet stores sell covers for cans (made for cat food but it works). But better than that, the canned chicken can be divvied up between my boyfriend and I for dinner, in/with the rice. If we get tired of chicken, there's the old Cuban favorite of black beans and rice. I think its an excellent idea, arguably better than chicken. We still need vegetables and fruit, though. Vegetables, I'm still working on. Ideas are welcome. Fruits, dried fruit is excellent. Wouldn't want to get scurvy :P But that's just dinner (which, btw, you can note that the chicken can double as a cold meal, if you don't have the energy or time for a hot meal).

For lunch, I'm planning on bringing ramen. Maybe putting some of the canned chicken in the ramen. Ramen is a good source of sodium, which makes you retain water (and thirsty) so its very satisfying. Oh, don't eat unboiled ramen noodles. It will make you sick, more than likely. At least, that was my experience. I've read its better to skip lunch and just graze throughout the day, though. I think I might lean towards that.

For breakfast, I'm thinking something like granola bars. Not a hot breakfast, but definitely filling.

For grazing, huge amounts of beef jerky and homemade trail mix. My boyfriend and I have agreed that store bought trail mix is way too salty and isn't as good for you as you'd need on the trail. We're going to talk to his brother (who's into nutrition) about the specific nuts, but we'll be mixing our own. Mine will have M&Ms. I can't not. Oh, but definitely dried fruit in the trail mix! That's where the dried fruit comes in. Beyond raisins, there are tons of deliciously dried fruits (or maybe that's just here lol). My boyfriend is saying a pound of jerky a day but we'll see. And I think I want more to snack but I haven't figured it out yet.I'm going to have to browse the dry goods section of the grocery store.